Healing from the Ego / At Home in God

“[A]ccepting the truth about yourself is accepting all that you are. . . .And lovingly accepting every circumstance in every moment of existence.  This means embracing everything that comes up inside you. . . .Now and forever live your life with arms wide open in an embrace of everything that arises.”  CHOL bk.I, 5:II.  Message from a choir of angels.

Embracing everything that arises from our subconscious, into our minds and hearts, is the necessary way that we are made ready for union with God.  The very same point is made in an earlier channeling, from Jayem, called The Way of Mastery.

If you are like me, these subconscious thoughts and feelings arise when first waking up in the morning.  It is important to note that fears may be particularly prone to arise at this time.  Since we all know that fears separate us from God, we need to see transmutation of these fears.

Jesus says in Choose Only Love that he will transmute these fears, that this is what he is about.  And we might also realize that Mary has said similar things, and we are discovering that Jesus and Mary are twin souls, two in One.  When we see the transmutation, or healing, of these fears, we are left with the sovereign grace of God, in love.  

We may often experience mystical moments, perhaps sleep dreams close to the surface, that reassure us and give us direction for our days, often our distant days.  And whatever else has been troubling us.  

Love replaces fears, cancelling them into nothingness.  And then we get glimpses of Awakening and hints of union with God.  We begin to realize that we are not listening to our egos any longer, and so the pain of separation has ended.

The Heavens open, and we realize that we are at home in God.  Such mystical moments do not last, but they are the harbingers of greater peace, harmony, tranquility, and happiness/joy ahead.

Author: Celia Hales

I intend "Miracles Each Day" to offer inspiration and insight into A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Way of Mastery, Choose Only Love, and similar readings.

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