Healing Fears

“This feeling of lack of fullness is an unequivocal symptom that you have denied an aspect of your being.  In other words, fear comes to dwell in you even when you deny a single feeling, thought, or perception.

. . .

“Rather than trying to eliminate fear, focus instead on not leaving anything out of your consciousness.  As you do this, fear will disappear without the slightest effort, and love will be the only thing you experience.  Let the heralds of your being enter without restriction into the palace where the love of God resides.  When you have opened the floodgates of your consciousness, allowing everything you experience, whatever it may be, to be embraced, then you will live as what you are:  the holy abode of Christ.”  Choose Only Love, Bk. 2, 19:II.  Message from Jesus.

It is not easy to turn loose of fears.  Choose Only Love has ample passages that address, in different ways, the way to reduce and then eliminate fear.  Studying these passages is possible, for some techniques will help more than others.  And then there will come the day when a particular statement hits home, and we finally and irrevocably know how to address fear, how to live serenely in peace that is undisturbed.

I am still getting there.  Some days are better than others, for this is the human condition. The path back to God is not linear, a straight line.  There are detours along the way. I know unity with God now, but my mind plays tricks on me and disturbs my peace when I am uncertain about life. Patience is an understated need always, in our journey in salvation.

But I am convinced that when we open ourselves to healing, we will be healed–for asking for mental healing is the will of God, and granting mental healing is His pleasure.

Author: Celia Hales

I intend "Miracles Each Day" to offer inspiration and insight into A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Way of Mastery, Choose Only Love, Mirari, and similar readings.

7 thoughts on “Healing Fears”

  1. So true! When I began the study of Christian Science, I decided to watch all my thoughts. I was shocked at how unloving they were. I decided to throw every unloving thought in the trash. As I commented to this practice I began to hear a bell each time there was something that needed to go away. However, as committed as I was there were some thoughts that I would go into the trash to retrieve. At some point in the process I began to hear clicking sounds in my brain as new pathways of truth began to form. When something is true we really do click with it. All this leads to regaining the flow of Love. I now use peace as my litmus test. If, I am at peace I know Love and Truth are being expressed. If I am agitated, I pray until I feel the Peace of God. Soon, we will know everlasting peace and love. This is the great leap from discovering Christ Consciousness to being Christ. Love, Donna

    1. Thank you, Donna, for an especially beautiful summary of the changes in guidance you have gotten over the years. I have also found that my way of receiving guidance has changed over the years, and I have found this can be confusing. I will email you. I hope this is alright. Love, Celia

  2. Amen, it is always God’s will to heal, it is even a bigger priority for Him to have a healthy and consistent relationship with us. Thanks for sharing 🙂🙏

  3. Thank you Celia. This is very timely for me, as I am exploring my judgment in a process in another venue. Having completed a “how I operate in an instance when I’m angry, and the steps that unfold toward healing.” I was comforted by your write-up

      1. You bet! Know that I’ve been following you for some time, receiving your posts, and have quite a collection of these. Thanks again for your service, I’m sure you are touching more than you can imagine.

        To be continued.
        Sending Love,
        Rev. Bill

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