Safety and Peace from an Ancient Memory

“Let your ancient memory be free to go wherever it wants, and let remembrance come to you by itself. . . .It knows where love resides and it is there, to the refuge of divine love, where it will go in search of its safety and its peace.  It knows the way.  Allow it to live in the Father’s house undisturbed.”  CHOL bk.I, 2:I.

We want safety and peace in our walk through this world, and we can have it, helped along by a phenomenon that we haven’t known about very much:  divine remembrance, divine memories that are revisited when we consciously open to God.  These are ancient memories, from the time before we imagined separation from God, before time began.

These ancient memories can be a part of our lives today.  We need only ask God in genuine sincerity for this blessing to come into our lives.

When the memory of love surfaces, we will have the safety and peace for which our heart longs.

Author: Celia Hales

I intend "Miracles Each Day" to offer inspiration and insight into A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Way of Mastery, Choose Only Love, and similar readings.

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