
”You ask for God’s help, because only God can heal you, and you know that God will never leave any question unanswered.  However, this does not mean that  you will be healed.  Why not?  Only God knows what you need and why and what you gain and lose with each step.  He knows if you are ready for a full recovery.”  Dewdrops of Wisdom, Chapter 32. Message from Mary.

So many of us, in times of illness, ask, “Why?”  There are no easy answers, but here is a hint of something that we have all known and refused to acknowledge, because we get frustrated.

God knows if we are ready for a full recovery, and it just may be that we are not.  It is “what you gain and lose with each step.”  We don’t, therefore, have to rail against fate, but to accept with this understanding.

Our hearts will tell us when we are ready for healing.

And we will get it when we are ready.  But not a moment sooner.

Author: Celia Hales

I intend "Miracles Each Day" to offer inspiration and insight into A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Way of Mastery, Choose Only Love, and similar readings.

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