Fear Begone!  Love Reigns in Our Hearts & Minds

“I am perfectly aware that there are many of you, as you read these words, who will feel, yet, a subtle contraction, as fear attempts—one final time—to claim ownership of your being.  You are free to choose otherwise. . . .

“Let not fear claim authority over the mind any longer.  This does not mean that you will not occasionally feel it like a wave through you.  The difference is that you need not value it.”  (“The Way of Transformation,” The Way of Mastery, Lesson 24, Page 288)

We don’t need to fear, fear!  Even when we are Christ-conscious, we may occasionally feel a wave descend upon us.  But fear in that situation will hold no power, for we know that it is an illusion in a dualistic world.  And we don’t countenance dualism any longer.  God is One with His creation, and so there is not need to imagine Him in any way separate, and therefore postulate a dual cosmos.  God is not an external figure to us, but deep within us and everything created.

Fear is the opposite of love, and when we give our hearts to love, we are safe.  Safe in a benign universe.  The world does nothing to us, though we thought it did.  We lay our presuppositions upon this world, making a travesty of God’s creation.  Nothing like this needs to happen.

When fear threatens to overcome, sit quietly and breathe deeply.  Let the wave pass, and soon we will all be sitting in the presence of our Creator.  We can have a direct relationship with God whenever we let fear subside in our minds and hearts.

God will direct us to love.  And then we will live in a cocoon of His mercy.

Author: Celia Hales

I intend "Miracles Each Day" to offer inspiration and insight into A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Way of Mastery, Choose Only Love, and similar readings.

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