Divine Memories

“Begin to remember the divine memories.  Remember all the love that you have experienced in this refuge, the embrace of your Creator Father, the joy of union and the ineffable joy of creating the beautiful, the good, the holy.”   CHOL bk. I, 1:II.

“The beautiful, the good, the holy” is repeated often in the books, Choose Only Love.  

Creating these three blessings is a hallmark for us when we are on the pathway back to God, healing separation, and beginning to enjoy a direct relationship with our Maker.  Who would not want to do these things which provide “ineffable joy”?

These are divine memories, now available to us in  our own mind and heart.  As we return to God, gradually we will begin to recognize that our very thoughts, simply those things that occur to us as we walk through a day, are informed by God.  We will have to be careful not to misinterpret “little” thoughts of our personal self for guidance, but over time we will come to see the difference.  So as our joy of recognizing thoughts–as well as intuitions and feelings–as evidence of our new union with God, we will be buoyed immeasurably.  Healing has arrived.  We are no longer living a life that we would mistakenly think is separate from God.

We will know that God is living through us, that He will never desert us, loving us forever, even when we are particularly blind to His love.

Author: Celia Hales

I intend "Miracles Each Day" to offer inspiration and insight into A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Way of Mastery, Choose Only Love, and similar readings.

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