Remember We Are Not Alone Even for a Single Moment

[R]emember you are not alone even for a single moment. . . .”  CHOL bk.I, 4:II.  Message from a choir of angels.

Knowing that we are never alone is a great panacea for stress relief and ruminations.  The books Choose Only Love tell us often that we are surrounded by countless angels and other beings on the other side of the veil called Earth.  Jesus and Mary are in these books introduced to us as divine beings who come at a single call.

In our years of separation from God, we lived a life that seemed solitary, with only human beings to comfort us, and we may have been reluctant to depend on human beings very often.  We thought we had to go it alone.  If we thought of God at all, we thought of an external figure high in the Heavens, one who created us but who left us pretty much on our own.

God is available to us 24/7.  Soon, if not already, we will resume the pre-separation state of a direct relationship to God, when we talk to Him whenever we wish, and, most importantly, get answers.  We may call this phenomenon the Holy Spirit.  I think it does not much matter what we call it; to know that God is available to us all the time is enough.

There is great comfort in truly living the truth that we are not alone.  Serenity, peace, harmony, tranquility will result.  And who does not want that?

Author: Celia Hales

I intend "Miracles Each Day" to offer inspiration and insight into A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Way of Mastery, Choose Only Love, and similar readings.

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