We Will See a Loving Transformation Emerge before Us

“You will see a loving transformation emerge before you, leaving your soul full of peace and happiness.  Beloved children of God, this will work!”  CHOL bk.I, 4:III.  Message from a choir of angels.

Yes, reading Choose Only Love works!!!  I can attest to that.  I have been reading these books since they were first published, and my own peace and happiness–the peace and happiness of my soul–have increased exponentially.  

My main help in these sometimes difficult times comes in the form of guidance that accompanies me all through the day.  The guidance creates a flow to my days and nights that does not leave me unless I am being rebellious against God.

And all of us slip away from this transformation at times.  The cure that will absolutely work is to talk to God–or Jesus or Mary, if you prefer, for they are divine creations who have access to us whenever we emit a single call.  When we “talk” (read pray), we are welcomed back into the fold.  And the flow reemerges in our day and night.

We know that what we have previously experience on Earth is not compatible with our real needs.  There is a better way to live, a sure way to peace and happiness.  We are creatures of our God, and when we reexperience love all the time rather than fear, our joy knows no bounds.

Author: Celia Hales

I intend "Miracles Each Day" to offer inspiration and insight into A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Way of Mastery, Choose Only Love, and similar readings.

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