
“For your minds to unify, it is necessary to put peace before any other goal.  In fact, peace is the only unifying goal that exists.  For this reason I constantly call you to live in peace and tell you to do nothing that could put your mental peace at risk even if it seems good or essential.  If you accept this message as a guide for your life, as a rod of discernment, you will not get lost.”  Truly Beloved, Book 1, Chapter 61.  Message from Mary.

We so often think we can make things better, even though this might be at the expense of our peace of mind and heart.  Mary is here telling us that we are chasing a mirage when we think amiss like this.  Peace is the jewel in spirituality, the blessing most coveted, the way to transverese easily the way back to God.

It is important that Mary mentions something might seem “good or essential”–but still be wrong to pursue.  We need the quality of discernment as our Quaker friends have often counseled.  When we discern clearly, we know that living in peace is the only way to proceed.

The only thing left to learn is how to do it!  And when we commune with God, we discover how.

Ask God for guidance in wrapping peace like a mantle around us always and forever.