
“Desires carry fulfillment in themselves and the longing for scarcity and lack is only added by the ego.  Just as you receive the answer at the moment of the question–since they form a unit–you also receive fulfillment at the moment of the formation of desire, since desire and its realization also form a unit.”  Dewdrops of Wisdom, Chapter 14.  Message from Mary.

God will not give us what hurts our soul.  If our desires are in line with what will help, we are home free.  Sometimes our own propensities might give us things that hurt our body, but these are not lasting and do not harm our essence.  

A Course in Miracles advised us that the solution is always found with the problem.  Here this idea is repeated, and with an extension, that desire and its realization go together.  But note the the desire must not bring harm to us, for the law of attraction protects us even here.  We are well protected in our life on Earth, always and forever.

Keep a mental count of the times that we have asked for things out of desire, and note how long the delay actually was.  Of course, delay can seem interminable when we are not ready for the answer, but more often than not, we receive blessings almost immediately.

God does not keep children (and we are all children in God’s eyes) waiting.  God knows that children are naturally impatient.  God takes us by the hand, and leads us homeward as quickly as our steps can take us.

This brings great joy, and with it, understanding of the way the cosmos actually works.

Author: Celia Hales

I intend "Miracles Each Day" to offer inspiration and insight into A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, The Way of Mastery, Choose Only Love, and similar readings.

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